Rikaikun Firefox


  1. Rikaikun Firefox Update
  2. Rikaikun Firefox Server
  3. Rikaikun Firefox Extension

Rikaikun is abandon-ware, and was vastly inferior (functionality-wise) to the Firefox versions. A lot of those stopped working with recent updates to Firefox though, but replacements have already popped up on the Firefox add-on site. If you don't use Firefox some are cross browser as well like Yomichan. Look up Japanese words with the hover of a mouse. After enabling the add-on from the toolbar (or press Alt+R) simply hover over Japanese text and a popup displays corresponding dictionary definitions. Rikaichamp is a port of rikaikun, which is a port of rikaichan, which is a port of rikaiXUL. It aims to be simple, reliable, fast, and up-to-date. It includes simple installation, an up-to-date dictionary, many many bug fixes over its predecessors (e.g. It correctly recognizes the causative passive), automated tests and type-checking,.

Bilingual Manga was born to help your language learning process.
It's a shame that there're just JP and EN available at the moment but more to come in the future

Rikaikun Firefox Update

1. Click on blue 'language switcher' button at the right corner to switch between languages (or pressing 'Enter' or 'Space' on your keyboard)

2. Manga texts can be selected to copy and paste around to your dictionary easily

Rikaikun firefox

3. Hover the text to quickly show the meaning of a word using some browser extensions like rikaikun (Google Chrome) or rikaichan (Firefox)

NHK News Web Easierイーシア provides content for peoplewishing to learn Japanese, in the form of text, voice and video.

NHK News Webis the online newspaper edited byNHK(にっぽんほうそうきょうかい),Japan'spublic broadcastingcompany.News Web Easyイーシーis a version targeted at children with simpler words, kanji and sentence structures, and withfurigana(り仮名がな).

NHKEasierイーシア gathers content from NewsWeb Easy and presents it in a way optimized for language learners:

  • partially (show on mouse hover) or fully disable furigana
  • quick access to translations of words and expressions
  • voice and video served by HTML5 (no Flash player needed)
  • valid RSS feed to use in your news aggregator

Regarding the translations, NHKEasierイーシア relies onthe EDICT Dictionary File andserves a subset optimized for each page.

NHK News Web Easierイーシア is not affiliatedwith NHK.

The main feature of this website was inspired by a series of webbrowserextenions called Rikaikun(Google Chrome), Rikaichan(Mozilla Firefox, obsolete) and Rikaichamp(Mozilla Firefox, replacement of Rikaichan). You can use these extension tobenefit from a quick-access Japanese dictionary working on any website!

Rikaikun Firefox Server

  • Install Rikaikun on Google Chrome
  • Install Rikaichamp on Mozilla Firefox
FirefoxRikaikun firefox download

Rikaikun Firefox Extension

If you prefer reading news directly on NHK News Web Easy, or regularlyconsult other website with furigana, install Furiganatoggle (either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox) to hide them by default!You will be able to display them simply by hovering the kanji with your cursor.Alternatively, you can use the smartphone applicationSync for NHK Easy Newsfor offline reading.

As an addition to News Web Easy articles, you can also studyNHK's introduction to Japanesefor English speakers (also available in multiple languages).